Tag Archives: South America

and today a new adventure begins…

a cruise – contrary to the normal way we roll.

Not so much a slow boat to China but a slow boat to Argentina – Buenos Aires for New Year’s Eve – traveling down the west side of South America stopping at historic or touristy ports of call at which we’ll hail a taxi and see what’s out there.

The down time on the cruise will be like savasana in yoga – good for the soul all the while my monkey mind searches for the key to the jail cell.  Get me outta here!!!

Internet on a cruise is slower than a turtle with a broken leg and more expensive than the caviar that I long to bathe in – this will be my down fall.  It started on January 1st when a self imposed Photo of the Day was born – a love hate relationship – loved to share a good photo – hated when sleep was postponed for a photo had to be posted.

Restless nights from the lack of internet twice this year loomed over me like a heavy fog – feeling irresponsible – no photo of the day! So again I prepare for this same fog, hoping the lack of internet will give way to savasana…..

The cruise will offer plenty of time to dream of South America and all the countries left to explore for we have no return ticket.