Tag Archives: Lake Tahoe

Photo of the Day 257

The stillness of the lake brings peace to my soul. In this stillness my mind becomes empty and my heart becomes full.  John Tew 

#heart #stillness #soul #peace #laketahoe #photofrommyday2016 #photooftheday

South Lake Tahoe, California

September 13, 2016

Vacationing in our own back yard

TahoeSeveral years ago we succumbed and purchased a couple of timeshare weeks.  Damn timeshare salesmen!

It turns out that timeshare weeks can be hard to use. One must plan and commit. (With our gypsy wandering ways and difficulty committing) we lost a week. Soon to lose another, we decided to vacation in our own backyard of Lake Tahoe.

Why not?  People travel far and wide to visit America’s gem.  In 2012 USA Today voted it “America’s best lake” – Orbitz and Rand McNally say it’s the best ski destination and TripAdvisor the #1 travel destination.

Clear blue skies cast diamonds across the country’s fifth largest clear blue lake (so clean and clear it’s the source for drinking water residential and commercial alike), hiking trails, bike paths, golf courses and all the greasy food one could hope for. Throw in gaming, entertainment, 80 degree days with no crowds and this really is a jewel.

In the past we were locals – both of us at different times in our lives called Lake Tahoe home – a lifetime ago.

But now we’re tourists. Card carrying tourists!  We have boated and dined with friends, lounged by the pool and sipped gin and tonics, eaten hamburgers and pizza, played cards, hiked and today we golf.